

(wearing: Trouvé t-shirt, pants from TJ Maxx, BDG cardigan, vintage bag, gifted ring, random sunglasses)

This past Saturday was a huge day for me. I took my first trip ever to a zoo! My mom swears that I went when I was little, but there is absolutely no memory of it. So that means it doesn't count, right? Throughout my life, no one has ever believed me when I told them that I had never been to a zoo. But now I can officially say that I have!

Zachary was begging me for weeks to go with him, so we hopped on on the long subway ride to the Bronx Zoo. The weather was gorgeous, and I must say that I really enjoyed every part of the day. This is coming from someone who used to not be an animal lover. I had so much fun seeing all the different animals and soaking up God's creation. The gorillas were probably the most interesting to see. Two of them started to get in a little fight and one even came up and smacked the glass separating us. No joke. It was crazy. 

Oh, and my SD card decided to corrupt the second half of the photos I took. You can guess that I am pretty upset. I debated throwing my laptop out the window, but I decided against it. Hopefully I can figure out a way to recover them. For now, enjoy these!

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