
one month?

I cannot believe I have been in Paris, France for about a month now.. wow. It's been incredible so far, despite my bank account already dwindling. There is so much more to see and do in Europe; so excited for traveling outside of France! I posted a picture on here at the top from last week. Pretty sure there was some type of movie being filmed outside of my apartment window. One day maybe I will see my street in a movie! Who knows, there could have been someone incredibly famous out there. It is Paris!

My weekend was filled with a bit of exploring more of the city. There is still a ton of stuff I want to do, and it seems like time is flying. On Friday, my business class took a little excursion to La Defense. This is the business district of Paris. I got a little NYC taste from finally seeing skyscrapers here in the city. I got to see the Grand Arch, which was really cool. People were eating lunch on the many steps leading up to it. I also signed the guest book at this museum we went into. The city has developed a plan that is revitalizing buildings, making transportation more accessible for workers, etc. The museum is all about the plans and also some of the history of La Defense.

Friday night was girls night at the apartment. Lana, Marcy, and I ordered some Domino's pizza.. very American, right? It's funny how I miss everything American.. I would do anything for Chipotle! Oh gosh. I am actually googling right now to find one in Europe maybe one place I will be visiting. Wow.. I am pathetic haha. AHHH.. one in London! Yesss! We spent time doing homework, well kind of. School has really been kicking my butt; it's so hard to concentrate on school when all I want to do is explore! Got to get myself into school mode asap and remember the good student that I am. Despite being here in an amazing city, I am here to learn as much as I can. Sometimes it just feels like a vacation; I need to get that out of my head.

On Saturday, I ventured out to the catacombs. Lana suggested going there, so we all went. It was quite interesting. There are millions of skeletons and bones everywhere. You just walk through and look at them all. There were inscriptions on the walls, but it was all in French of course. Marcy tried scaring me while we were down there, but failed. We walked around to go look at the Statue of Liberty near the Eiffel Tower and grabbed some french onion soup on the way. We were served by a mean French man who gave us a bottled water for 5 euros instead of tap water.. wonderful. We attempted to go out on the island where the Staute of Liberty was, but couldn't really find a way. We were tired and just wanted to go home.. haha. On Sunday, we went to the flea market to browse. Oh, and during the adventure I spotted some basketball players. Highlight of my week for sure!

Lots of schoolwork for me this week. Oh, and some train rides to explore this wekeend. :)

Bisous <33

1 comment:

  1. Stay the course God will provide the leisure and enjoyment trust Him and you will do well, Pop
